class config {
//this function parses a config file
public function parse_config($file){
//fetch the contents of the specified file.
$content = file_get_contents($file);
//splits the content into an array by line break
$lines = explode("\n",$content);
//define a array to tag every property on.
$array = array();
//loops through the array/lines
foreach ($lines as $value) {
//if the first character of the line isn't a # (comment character) continue on, if it is it's just ignored.
if(substr($value,0,1) != "#"){
//Split the line at = to fetch the property name and value.
$lineSplit = explode("=",$value);
//define the property name
$propName = $lineSplit[0];
//define the property value
$propValue = $lineSplit[1];
//trim whitespace
$propValue = substr($propValue,0,strlen($propValue)-1);
//set the property in the array equal to it's value
$array[$propName] = $propValue;
return $array;
//this function writes or edits a config file
//defining a var quickly
public function edit_config($property,$equals,$file){
//fetch content of the file
$content = file_get_contents($file);
//splits the content into an array by line break
$lines = explode("\n",$content);
//defines a array for new lines, throwing edited one in the mix
$newLines = array();
$count = 0;
//loops through the array/lines
foreach($lines as $value) {
//length of specified property name
$propLength = strlen($property);
//check if the beginning of line is equal to the property name
if(substr($value,0,$propLength) == $property){
//if it is add the new value to the new line array
$newLines[$count] = "$property=$equals";
}else {
//if not just add the original line
$newLines[$count] = $value;
//increment the count
$count= $count+1;
//loop through the newLines array, and append it to the final string with a line break
foreach($newLines as $i){
//is so extra lines arent added at top of file
$final = $i;
}else {
$final .= "\n".$i;
//write the new file
$write = fopen($file,"w");
#This is a configuration file for some sort of web application!
#This thing does....
banner=this is banner text
#this does...
footer=this text goes in the footer
#All of those are examples
//create an instance of the class of course, include the file if you are in a different on as well obviously.
$class = new config();
//it can be any readable file extension really, I just chose cfg.
//set it to a variable since it outputs a array
$configs = $class->parse_config("thefile.cfg");
echo $configs['banner'];
该代码将this is banner text
//still with an instance of the class of course
$class = new config();
$configs = $class->edit_config("footer","a brand new footer","thefile.cfg");
#This is a configuration file for some sort of web application!
#This thing does....
banner=this is banner text
#this does...
footer=a brand new footer
#All of those are examples