<view class='topMaxBox'>
<view class='topLeft' style='width: {{ imgW }}px; height: {{ imgW }}px; flex: {{ imgW }}px 0 0;'>
<image src='http://img02.tooopen.com/images/20150928/tooopen_sy_143912755726.jpg'></image>
<view class='topRight'>
<view class='r_top'>
< text > commodity name </text >
<text>{{ evaluate }}</text>
<view class='r_bottom' catchtouchmove='moveFun' catchtouchstart='moveFun'>
<image src='{{ starSrc }}'></image>
padding: 5%;
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
border: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
margin-right: 10px;
.topLeft image{
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
flex: 1;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
justify-content: center;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
margin-bottom: 2%;
.r_bottom image{
width: 130px;
height: 18px;
* Getting System Information
sysInfo: function () {
let res = wx.getSystemInfoSync();
let info = {
Width: res. Windows Width, // Available Window Width
Height: res. windows Height, // usable window height
System: res. system, // OS version
StatusBarHeight: res.statusBarHeight// Height of the status bar
return info;
const app = new getApp();
// page/issueEvaluate/issueEvaluate.js
* Initial data of pages
data: {
ImgW: app. sysInfo (). width * 0.146, /// Set the image width dynamically according to the screen width
StarLen: 5, // Star Evaluation Initial Level
StarSrcArr: ['. /.. / image / star2-1. png','. /. / image / star2-2. png','.. /. / image / star2-3. png','. /. / image / star2-4. png','. /. / image / star2-4. png','. /. / image / star2-5. png','. /.. / image / star2-6. png', //star evaluation image resource array
StarSrc:'. /. / image / star2-6. png', // initial picture of star evaluation
Evaluate:'Very good',
EvaluateArr: ['Very bad','poor','average','good','better','Very good']
moveFun: function (e) {
Let imgBoxW = app. sysInfo (). width * 0.146 + 10; // end coordinates of X axis of commodity picture (i.e. initial coordinate values of stars)
Let starW = 130/5; // The width of each star (used to calculate the X-axis coordinates of stars)
Let xAxial = e.touches [0]. clientX; // Get the X-axis coordinates of the current touch
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is less than the initial coordinate, it will be displayed as 0 stars.
if (xAxial < imgBoxW) {
this.data.starLen = 0;
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is larger than the initial coordinate and smaller than the initial coordinate of the second star, it is shown as a star.
} else if (imgBoxW + (starW * 2) > xAxial && xAxial > imgBoxW) {
this.data.starLen = 1;
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is greater than the initial coordinate of the second star and less than the initial coordinate of the third star, it is shown as two stars.
} else if (imgBoxW + (starW * 3) > xAxial && xAxial > imgBoxW + (starW * 2)) {
this.data.starLen = 2;
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is greater than the initial coordinate of the third star and less than the initial coordinate of the fourth star, it is shown as three stars.
} else if (imgBoxW + (starW * 4) > xAxial && xAxial > imgBoxW + (starW * 3)) {
this.data.starLen = 3;
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is greater than the initial coordinate of the fourth star and less than the initial coordinate of the fifth star, it is shown as four stars.
} else if (imgBoxW + (starW * 5) > xAxial && xAxial > imgBoxW + (starW * 4)) {
this.data.starLen = 4;
// If the X-axis coordinate of the current touch is greater than the initial coordinate of the fifth star, it will be displayed as five stars.
} else if (xAxial > imgBoxW + (starW * 5)) {
this.data.starLen = 5;
// Substitute the SRC path with the IMG tag to the corresponding star image
this.data.starSrc = this.data.starSrcArr[this.data.starLen];
// Set to the corresponding evaluation level text
this.data.evaluate = this.data.evaluateArr[this.data.starLen];
starSrc: this.data.starSrc,
evaluate: this.data.evaluate